Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yesterday was one of those challenging days where I was in isolation most of the day. When that was finished, I was totally exhausted and gave myself the day off. Went to bed very early and it never even entered my head to do the blogging. I will be out and about both in classes and socially this weekend and will get my "Friday's 5" during that time. Yes, I have figured out to get on to read the rest of the blogs. I am sure it is a round about way but at least I'm getting there to read all your blogs. I am slowly making progress on the techy side of things and have had some wonderful encouragement from a friend of mine. I even figured out how to get my Invitation cards printed over the internet, through MPM at Office Depot! That's a big one for me now. Soon it will be no big deal at all. I feel a bit into overwhelm, doing the 5 contacts a day and follow-ups as well as figuring out how to use the computer. At the same time it is exhilarating at times and those times make up for the rest.
I knew that there would be some things that I would have to give up on a temporary basis in order to do this Boot Camp but one of the things that I could not bring myself to give up is ballroom dancing. So - I'm off to the Dance and to get some of my 5!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Whew-just finished mt report and was so worried about getting it done that I almost forgot to blog. I knew when I applied that some days would be challenging for me as my business required me to be in isolation. I'm a Personal Chef and on the days that I cook for a client I am in their kitchen while they are at work, cooking up a menu of 5 meals for them to use through out the week. I have to be there early enough to get the job done and out of there before they return from work. I am at my best in the morning and will normally do my "beans" then but knew I would have to do them after I finish cooking on the days that I am scheduled to cook for a client.
Any moment that I didn't have to be thinking about my cooking I was thinking about Boot Camp. I had myself convinced that I could just waltz into Fred Meyer on my way home, click off 5 people and get home to do all the follow up work that I have to do for my business as well as the follow up for Boot Camp. I had done mostly warm market the past two days and only had one person tell me no. Today, I had three times as many people tell me No as I had people who said yes. Basically, I had two people who agreed. I only had an hour and a half to get my other three and get my report in on time. I decided that I had better get home and call people I already knew before I ran out of time. Couldn't get ahold of anybody I tried. Got back into my coat, boots, hat, gloves and walked the cul de sac. Can you believe it? Nobody home! I remember another time that I was aware that I was the only one home in the cul de sac. Headed back home to get on the phone but took the time to read Ginny's email to us. Of course-how could I have forgotten that! I sat right down and gave thanks for being able to contact 3 people tonight before the deadline that would say yes. I began the calls with only 45 minutes until reporting deadline. I was able to begin filling out my form at 8:45 PST. That was close! But I did make my goal. I was so jazzed that it wasn't until 8:58 that i realized that I had not had time this morning to do my blog before I left the house. Does it count if I begin my blog before 9?
Anyway, I learned more about myself today and how I am sometimes not careful to set myself up to succeed. Also that being grateful for the coming things in our lives is a very effective way to have them come about. Just remember to keep focused on the positive, give thanks in advance & expect to receive, and always be grateful. These were all good things to be reminded of today. And for that I am grateful!
Am looking (thankfully, of course) to a little time to relax and do some more strategizing tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

MPM's World Changer Boot Camp

Great call this morning. It answered a number of questions that I had. And, of course, it brought up more questions. Isn't that how life works? Always a continuing process.
I have a plaque on my wall that reads "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. " I am dancing in the rain right now. While I do have some challenge to talk to five people a day and follow up on them each day (the proverbial time stuff), my biggest challenge is with the "techie stuff " on the Internet. The person who helps me with this kind of thing is gone for the holidays, so for the first time in my life I am on my own with this. I feel that I am behind everyone else on this but I will not give up. One of the reasons that I applied for Boot Camp was to get myself "caught up" with the rest of the Internet world. I just didn't count on having to go it alone. There are frustrations and then there is the sweetness of success. It really is an exhilarating feeling when something I have been struggling with finally comes together and I have achieved what I wanted. So, while I may be behind in getting a video on the Utube, I will get it there. My challenge right now is to follow the instructions for getting the Invitation Cards emailed to my printer to have them made up. She made it sound so easy. Great suggestion to use Office Depot on My Power Mall. I wil try that and see if I can get it to work.
Since I am a dancer, I am going to tell everyone to Break a Leg today!

Monday, November 24, 2008


AAAAHHHHH. I've figured out how to publish a blog, but can't seem to find how I can get to the blogs that you have already published. Can anyone help me out?
Vonda Nixon

World Changer Boot Camp

Whew, all this technilogical "stuff" has really streached me! Actually, it is good, as I feel that I am one step closer in joining the rest of the world. I have not had to figure out how to do this stuff before, so I haven't done it. I'm definetely out of my comfort zone. The good news is, now that I have taken these steps-I will soon be in this new comfort zone. Changing comfort zones in a good thing. Another newcomfort zone that I will be moving into is talking with total strangers. Not only that -I will be asking them for help. Being raised on a homestead in Alaska, we relied on ourselves for the most part. I was raised to be independent, so this is the really hard part of talking to total strangers! Got a few more people to talk to so will sign off for now.
Vonda Nixon