Tuesday, November 25, 2008

MPM's World Changer Boot Camp

Great call this morning. It answered a number of questions that I had. And, of course, it brought up more questions. Isn't that how life works? Always a continuing process.
I have a plaque on my wall that reads "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. " I am dancing in the rain right now. While I do have some challenge to talk to five people a day and follow up on them each day (the proverbial time stuff), my biggest challenge is with the "techie stuff " on the Internet. The person who helps me with this kind of thing is gone for the holidays, so for the first time in my life I am on my own with this. I feel that I am behind everyone else on this but I will not give up. One of the reasons that I applied for Boot Camp was to get myself "caught up" with the rest of the Internet world. I just didn't count on having to go it alone. There are frustrations and then there is the sweetness of success. It really is an exhilarating feeling when something I have been struggling with finally comes together and I have achieved what I wanted. So, while I may be behind in getting a video on the Utube, I will get it there. My challenge right now is to follow the instructions for getting the Invitation Cards emailed to my printer to have them made up. She made it sound so easy. Great suggestion to use Office Depot on My Power Mall. I wil try that and see if I can get it to work.
Since I am a dancer, I am going to tell everyone to Break a Leg today!

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