Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yesterday was one of those challenging days where I was in isolation most of the day. When that was finished, I was totally exhausted and gave myself the day off. Went to bed very early and it never even entered my head to do the blogging. I will be out and about both in classes and socially this weekend and will get my "Friday's 5" during that time. Yes, I have figured out to get on to read the rest of the blogs. I am sure it is a round about way but at least I'm getting there to read all your blogs. I am slowly making progress on the techy side of things and have had some wonderful encouragement from a friend of mine. I even figured out how to get my Invitation cards printed over the internet, through MPM at Office Depot! That's a big one for me now. Soon it will be no big deal at all. I feel a bit into overwhelm, doing the 5 contacts a day and follow-ups as well as figuring out how to use the computer. At the same time it is exhilarating at times and those times make up for the rest.
I knew that there would be some things that I would have to give up on a temporary basis in order to do this Boot Camp but one of the things that I could not bring myself to give up is ballroom dancing. So - I'm off to the Dance and to get some of my 5!

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