Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15, 2008

I went to a small community not far from here, where the whole town focuses on Holiday Shopping for one day. Not only are the local businesses geared up for this day, but all around town there are vendors set up in 5-6 other buildings. They end the day with a parade and fireworks. I managed to get there before they got really busy and was able to make good contacts with vendors. Had hoped to make contacts in the restaurant that we ate in but by then it was too busy. Made my last contact in a clothing store that I will be going back to. They will begin carrying a product that I need to have. It was a fun and very satisfying day. I had spent some time that morning visualizing what I wanted the day to be and the contacts that I would be able to make. Setting my intention for the day seems to help.
Worked on my follow up yesterday. Didn't have as much fun or as much luck. Lessons learned are: Get more familiar with the follow up script that Ginny gave us and be sure to consciously set my intention for the day. Both of these I am sure will make a difference.

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