Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The last two days have been very frustrating, very trying and I have been so busy with all the action stuff of this Boot Camp that I feel as if I don't even have the time to stop, look around and reflect on what is causing all the chaos and confusion in my life, to see what I need to change. Did not blog on Monday because I was so exhausted that I forgot to do it and just went to bed. Woke up early this morning and began blogging. Spent about half an hour and was finishing it up just in time to get on the call and at the last second I hit some wrong button and it all disappeared! That's how today started and I am just now getting my blogging for the day done, I filed my report late and I still have about one and 1/2 hours of prep work to do to be ready to go spend the day tomorrow cooking for my client. I am working at looking at what I am doing to have put myself in this position. I think I have it figured out for the most part but I don't feel as if I have the whole picture yet. Will be working on it more and will keep you posted.

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