Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16, 2008

I took Ginny and Jacki literally yesterday and focused on my follow up only. No contacts. Used several of the suggestions that were made but didn't get any good results. Seems nobody wants to take the time to look at it right now and if they have they don't want to make a decision right now amidst the Holiday Season. I will try the suggestion that Jacki made on the call this morning, about having them sign up now and take advantage of getting paid for their own shopping and not work on building the business until after the Holidays. I think this is a great suggestion.
We were told this morning that they were lifting the requirements as of today because of the pressure of the Holidays. We are at choice as to keep doing the contacts and follow ups during the time that we have off. Ginny and Jacki will still be there for support. I never intended to stop during the Holiday hiatus but would only slack off, in order to keep my sanity. That is still my intention. I do have to say that this is a real relief in some ways but in other ways I think I will miss the routine of being on the phone call, blogging and getting the report in each day. I will be going back over each of the calls to see what I missed and need to pick up to keep moving forward. My goal is to be organized and ready to hit the deck running on January 5th!

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