Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I managed among all the action to sort things out and have to come to the conclusion that the electronic stuff is just going to have to wait so that I can concentrate on making contacts. Making that decision got things rolling again. I only had a few moments yesterday to make any contacts, and one person actually came up to me to initiate the conversation. I was still in a bit of frustration state and almost walked away with out making the contact. I caught myself and turned back around and asked the question. I look forward to follow up with him today. Unfortunately, he was the only contact I made yesterday. I'm not sure, with my isolation on the jobs, if I will be able to make 5 contacts each day but my goal is to make 25 each week. That means working on the weekends. We were told to make this a daily habit and I will do that.
I host a Master Mind group in my home o Tuesday nights and arrive home from work just 15 minutes before the group begins to arrive. One person arrived on time and the others were late. In that time, the on-time person helped me figure out how to copy my Invitation Cards on a CD to take to the print shop. All it took was me getting out of the "muck" in my mind and getting clear on the path I am to take. Tuning in to myself and getting clarity cleared the way for things to begin moving along again. Even was able to make some follow up contacts yesterday but so far no one has committed themselves. Will be doing more follow up as I am behind on that.

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