Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8, 2008

I spent the weekend working on getting better organized and figuring out how to most effectively work Boot Camp into my weird schedule. Think I have got it worked out now. Just have to try it and see how it works, maybe having to do some more tweaking along the way.
Showed it to a non-profit on Sunday who was pretty enthused, but did not sign up right away. Good thing because Ginny announced on this mornings call that NPO's could sign up for free. I am so excited to call them and let them know that it is hard to wait until noon, when they come into the office!
I am experiencing that the follow ups are going to be time consuming. It has been really hard to get ahold of people and when I do reach someone, they haven't gone to the website to look at it. They always say they will but who knows......? Just got to keep "trucking on. I knew when I came on board that I would have to stretch myself and I am commited to doing that. I also know that if I don't quit, at some point it will all pay off. I hold onto the goal of Boot Camp and when that is not enough I hold on to my dream of making a difference in the lives of multitudes of people and in the world. That one always gets me through any obstacle.

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